Shop Small, Shop British
Bombus is a small British business….and small businesses ROCK! So shop small!

Did you know... that small businesses account for a huge percentage of the annual turn over to the UK economy? They are super important, and contribute even more in jobs and opportunities.
It’s become really clear during this pandemic that a lot of small businesses have really struggled with the effects of lockdown, through no fault of their own. We’ve all had to adapt and change quickly to meet the different demands of the general public while looking out for the safety of our staff.

As an online business, we managed really well during lockdown. We still had our own challenges, but compared to some of our other colleagues in the small business world we are very lucky to have managed to keep the Bombus studio running (albeit with very strict distancing guidelines!)
Why should we Shop Small?
Why are small businesses SO important? Well the Federation of Small Businesses state the following:
Small Businesses
- Create Jobs
- Add to GDP
- Inspire innovation
- Boost local communities
- Help you be more ethical
In fact the statistics from last year speak for themselves!
- SMEs account for three fifths of the employment and around half of turnover in the UK private sector.
- Total employment in SMEs was 16.6 million (60% of the total), whilst turnover was estimated at £2.2 trillion (52%).
That’s a lot of people reliant on small business.

Shop Small, Shop Green
Shopping local isn't just good for the British economy, when you shop small you inevitably shop greener. It’s easier to find out about your local small businesses. You can check on their ethics, methods, and values without having to plough through a mountain or corporate lingo…and small business are usually run by individuals who love to engage with their customers.

At Bombus we have made a huge effort to go green. We have been adapting our packaging over the past eighteen months to be as eco-friendly as possible. And we are also open to any suggestions and observations that can help us be better friends to our environment. So please do get in touch if you know how we can change!

When you shop small it means that more of your had earned money is going back into your local community. By supporting British independents you are supporting the employment of people right here in the UK.
Supporting other businesses
If you run or work in a small business, other independents become your community. At Bombus we have a whole network of small business partners that we champion. Here are a couple that are well worth your time:
Carrington Foods
Faversham, Kent
Based in Faversham, Kent, Carrington’s started in the heart of the home; the kitchen. This small independent busines is locally, if not nationally, famous for its fiery sauces and flavoursome rubs and spices. Carringtons is a perfect stop for any gifting occasion.

How did Carringtons start? Following a career in the hospitality industry as a chef, business owner Dominic set up his own food stall serving vegetarian and vegan food at festivals, markets and private events. Finding it difficult to find the right sauces to accompany the food he was serving, Dominic decided to create his own using honest ingredients, vibrant flavours and a spicy kick. The result was Chillichup a deliciously versatile mild chilli sauce infused with a rich mix of spices and chillis.
Carrington's have had a stall at our Bombus annual Christmas Sale Event every year, and it's the perfect chance for all of us to stock up on our stash of chilli goods.
And from personal experience? Chillichup is not for the fainthearted. It is blow-your-head off spicy...but utterly and completely DELICIOUS. I use it in my recipes, as a must have table condiment, and mixed in with mayo for a perfect burger topping. This business is a great place to shop small - and all of their products will be well received by any gift recipient.
07803 397 971 / hello@carringtonfoods.co.uk
Whitstable, Kent
Situated in the famous Harbour Street in Whitstable, Buttercup stocks a range of beautiful traditional children's toys and decor. Looking for something unique to brighten up the nursery or playroom? Buttercup is the place to visit.

It's well worth a visit!
Contact: 16 Harbour St, Whitstable CT5 1AQ, UK buttercup@buttercupwhitstable.co.uk